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C# Password TextBox


di seguito il codice C# per l’estensione del componente TextBox al fine di mitigare il problema dei “keyLogger”.

Il codice รจ funzionante anche se sicuramente prototipale.

Spero possa esservi utile.

(Codice presso GitHub:

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WaltZie.Windows.Forms

/// Estensione della casella TextBox per gestire le password in modo che non possano essere intercettate dai keylkoggers

// Problema con i caratteri [] gestiti da sendkey
// Problema con digitazione caratteri in contemporanea. Occorre reindirizzare OnKeyPress a thread sequenziali.

public class PasswordTextBox : System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
public static PasswordTextBox Instance = new PasswordTextBox();

private string junk = “”;
private uint _junkMax = 4;
private uint _junkMin = 2;
private byte _minchar = 32;
private byte _maxchar = 126;
private string _allowedchars=””;
private string _scramble;
private bool _obfuscate = false;

private static readonly Random random = new Random();
private static readonly object syncLock = new object();
private delegate string del(string s);

public PasswordTextBox() {

protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Text))

The AllowedChars represents characters allowed.

/// The AllowedChars gets/sets the value of the string field, _allowedchars.
[Category(“Extensions”), Browsable(true), Description(“String containig allowed chars”)]
public string AllowedChars
if ((value.Length) < 256) { this._allowedchars = value; this._scramble = new string(_allowedchars.ToCharArray().OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).ToArray());
return this._allowedchars;

The Obfuscate define if typed text must be obfuscate with shuffled allowd chars.

/// The Obfuscate gets/sets the value of the bool field, _obfuscate.
[Category(“Extensions”), Browsable(true), Description(“Obfuscate input data”)]
public bool Obfuscate
this._obfuscate = value;
if (this._obfuscate && _allowedchars == “”) this.AllowedChars = ” !\”#$%&'()*+-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~”;
return this._obfuscate;

The ClearText represents real typed test.

/// The ClearText gets the value of the de-obfuscated string field, Text.
/// Returns original de-obfuscated typed text.
[Category(“Extensions”), Browsable(true), Description(“Clear text”)]
public string ClearText
return deobfuscate(this.Text);

private bool IsAllowedChar(char c)
if (char.IsControl(c)) return false;
if (this._allowedchars.Length > 0)
if (this._allowedchars.Contains(c.ToString())) return true;
else return false;
else return true;

private string Randomchar()
return Convert.ToChar(random.Next(this._minchar, this._maxchar)).ToString();

private string junkGenerator()
string randomString = “”;
for (int i = 0; i < random.Next((int)this._junkMin, (int)this._junkMax); i++)
randomString += Randomchar();
return randomString;
private void sendJunkChars()
string outchar = “”;
lock (syncLock)
this.junk += junkGenerator();
for (int i = 0; i < this.junk.Length; i++)
if (“+^%~(){}”.Contains(this.junk[i])) outchar += “{” + this.junk[i] + “}”;
else outchar += this.junk[i].ToString();

private char obfuscate(char s) {
lock (syncLock)
if (this._obfuscate) return this._scramble[this._allowedchars.IndexOf(s)];
else return s;
private string deobfuscate(string s) {
if (!this._obfuscate) return s;
string outstr = “”;
for (int i=0; i<this.Text.Length;i++) { outstr += this._allowedchars[this._scramble.IndexOf(this.Text[i])].ToString(); } return outstr; } protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData) { if (this.junk.Length == 0) { if (keyData == Keys.Delete) OnKeyPress(new KeyPressEventArgs((Char)Keys.Back)); } return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData); } protected override void OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs e) { // Controllare this.SelectedText base.OnKeyPress(e); string keyInput = e.KeyChar.ToString(); if (this.junk.Length > 0)
//this char is junk
e.Handled = true;
lock(syncLock) this.junk = this.junk.Remove(this.junk.Length – 1);
else if (IsAllowedChar(e.KeyChar))
e.KeyChar = obfuscate(e.KeyChar);
else if (e.KeyChar == ‘\b’)
// Backspace key is OK
catch { e.Handled = true; }
// Consume this invalid key and beep
e.Handled = true;